Employer Help Center

How do I get more applies?

Here are a few quick tips to increase applications:

  • Ensure the email address and any other contact information associated with the posting is correct.
  • Confirm the job title you selected matches your open position and uses the same terminology that candidates use when searching for jobs.
  • Verify that the ZIP code is correct. Also, consider upgrading to a Nationwide posting or using the ZIP code of a more densely populated area to cast a wider net.
  • Closely review your job description from the candidate’s perspective. Does it effectively “sell” the open position and your company? Is it between 300 and 600 words? Too much or not enough information will discourage applications.
  • Keep your job titles short studies show that titles with 1 to 3 words had the highest apply rates and the most candidate clicks.
  • If you are using an external URL to receive applications, make sure the link is working properly.

You can update your job posting at any time by visiting the "Jobs" tab on your dashboard.

Also, keep in mind that we email your job ad to matching candidates. When they click on your job ad from that email alert, it counts as a “view.” If you have several views but no applications, those candidates may have decided to apply at a later date.

For further assistance, please check out our employer resource center for plenty of helpful tips for writing effective job ads or contact our Customer Success team at (866) 238‑0161 or customersuccess@ihire.com. You may also benefit from reaching out to our Outsourced HR Services team for personalized guidance for sourcing the right applicants.  

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